Biblical Texts for Sunday, March 23, (Third Sunday in Lent):
First Reading:
Ezekiel 33:7-20
Click Here to read the Scripture
1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Click Here to read the Scripture
Gospel: Repent or Perish
Luke 13:1-9
Click Here to read the Scripture
Daily Devotions:
Lutheran Hour Ministries, Link:
Special Announcements:
- Reminder about inclement weather and church functions: Our policy for bad weather cancellations has been to cancel morning Bible studies, etc. when local schools close. Evening meetings and events will probably continue, as long as road crews are out and a storm is not intensifying. Sunday services, as well as Advent and Lent midweek services, are seldom cancelled. However, do not attempt to drive if your local conditions are poor and you are uncomfortable driving in the weather!
Upcoming Schedule:
Worship Services at Church - 11:00 AM
Confirmation Class at 12 PM
View this week's Scripture readings above.
View Our Worship Service on Youtube:
LWML Quilting Canceled until further notice
Mid Week Lent Service at 5:30 PM
Bible Study with Pastor Klingbeil "Read Through the Bible in 2 Years" with Discussion at 9 am.
Ladies Bible Study postponed until after the holidays
Men's Breakfast Fellowship and Bible Study March 8 at 9 am at Mt Hope